shug's place

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO what a ride! -- Source unknown

Location: Illinois, United States

What's there to say....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


So I went to exit 82 this weekend.

Saturday Mom came home from the hospital. She was in this time to get a temporary fix to her broken knee (her knee replacement surgery was messed up when she had colon surgery). The reason it is a temporary fix is because not only was it broken, it was infected. They cannot do the surgery they need to with any infection because they don't want to cause a bone infection. She now cannot put any weight on her leg, so since her sense of balance is a bit off, she is pretty much confined to a wheelchair (the way I remember my Grandma before she died).

Sunday it was off to my cousin's for her 8th grade graduation party. It was fun to see some of the family I hadn't seen for awhile, but I had more fun when we returned to exit 82 and I got to go swimming with W, E and Z, even though the water was -50 degrees. I ended up spending most of the time holding E so only his feet were in the water.

Monday I spent most of the day putting my Mom's patio furniture together and cleaning up some things in the yard. I did get to work on my kitchen table (I'm having a bit of a time trying to get the legs perfect.) Hopefully, I will get to work on it again this week.... Then we were off to W's birthday party. Sissy and Techman decided it needed to be at the Jungle so they didn't have to clean anything up. The rented the entire building so it was very easy to keep track of all the kids. E refused to do anything that involved being around any other kids (except for W and Z), so he and I hung out in the balls most of the time. The minute any other kid came near, he would start yelling. It took T-Bob, Z and I to get him to venture into any other part of the Jungle. I'm sure it was funny to see 2 30 year old climbing around in the tunnels and on the rope bridges! We had a great time! Then it was back home and right to bed for me. I was exhausted!

Doesn't that sounds like a fun filled weekend???

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Our justice system at work....

The most popular question on the criminal hot-line..... How short do you have to be to get away with robbing a bank?

A visit from Plastic

87’s son Plastic came to work the other day for a visit. It was his last day of school (I’m assuming it was one of those useless half days that requires you to be at school for approximately a hour….) He was there to have lunch with her and surprisingly she allowed him to come say “Hi” to me. I was definitely overwhelmed and very surprised to see him. I would have loved to have given him a huge hug, but didn’t for fear of crying my eyes out at work. I miss him more than he or anyone else will ever know. When I lived there, he would come in and wake me up. Of course we both woke up early on Saturdays because it is not a day for school or work. A few times, he would crawl in bed with me and we would have a little chat… Nothing serious, just about cartoons, or video games or the cats…. I miss everything about him, yes, I even miss those hour long “I don’t want to take medicine” rants and the “my Dad doesn’t like you” comments.

Who knows when I will see him next…. I’ll definitely give him a hug then, unless of course I might be seen crying….

Thursday, May 25, 2006

tell us how you really feel

Really, you never hear much about real life stuff from me because most of it pisses me off, but here ya go.....

I hope you rot in prison you fuckwads!!!

Enough said!

Thank you and goodnight!

Monday, May 22, 2006

week in review....

So I’m sure you are all wondering how the trip to Mexico was. It was fantastic!! I was afraid that I wouldn’t have fun because I had never met most of the people who we were going to be around for the week. I was wrong! By the end of the week I was a totally different person (I’m guessing that this is mostly due to the amount of Tequila sunrises I gulped down!).
Monday was mostly spent in the travel mode. We were up at 3:30 am to make our plane at 7:00 am. After two Ativan, the plan ride wasn’t so bad. We arrived at the airport in Cancun about 11 and traveled on a bus for an hour to our destination. Our room was not ready when we arrived, so it was off to the bridal suite to change into our beach gear. The rest of the day was spent drinking at the pool and splashing around in the ocean.

Tuesday we were up early to schedule a trip to Chichen Itza. After the planning, we met up with some others from our group and took a van into Playa del Carmen for some shopping and sight seeing. And yes, we did run into an army man with an AK47. I was also offered pot by a couple of the vendors….. look at the pictures, do I look like someone who is lighting it up all the time??? Anyway, after that it was back to the hotel for more fun in the sun. That night we went to the night show and then to the open-air nightclub at the resort for some drinking and dancing….

Wednesday we were up at 5:30 am to make sure we were ready for the bus to Chichen Itza. The bus ride was 2 ½ hours inland. I was completely amazed by the size and craftsmanship of all the ruins. It made me want to learn more about the culture! We then stopped at another resort for lunch and swimming in a natural well. From the top of the well to the bottom of the water had to have been over 300 feet (people used to dive off the top of the well into the water below), 150 feet of that all water! They have since built a deck less than half way up for people to dive from. Once we got back to the resort, we joined the others for dinner. At dinner some of the other “non wedding party” guests and I did some flaming shots (the alcohol was set on fire and you were given a straw to drink from the bottom down. By the time it got to the bottom you could feel the fire burning in your throat!) The rest of the night was spent at the new nightclub, watching the half naked dancers trying to get everyone interested in dancing. We left that night the same time the dancers were leaving, so we of course got our picture taken with them!!

Thursday was the wedding day. The morning was spent snorkeling and kayaking with most of the men from the wedding party and a few others. Snorkeling was a lot of fun except for when I got caught up in shallow waters and tried to walk on the coral. I ended up tripping over my flippers and cutting my knee and wrist. I also got freaked out by some of the plants that were touching my while I swam by. I thought I was getting attacked by some fish or something!! Kayaking was fun! The first time out, I partnered with the groom and we went out as far as we could go. I thought we were a pretty good team (beat most of the 2 man teams!!) A bunch of us went back out in single person kayaks. We then headed back to the pools for a little sun before the wedding. The wedding was beautiful!! I was a bit surprised at how well it turned out with a little planning as there was! The reception included a 6 course dinner, most of which was good. After the reception, the party headed out to the nightclub. We ended up dancing and drinking until 2 am. I then had to make sure all my stuff was packed because we had to be on the bus at 6:30 am.

Friday it was back to reality…. Up at 5:30 am to check out and be ready for the bus at 6:30. Our flight didn’t leave until 11 am, but we had an hour bus ride and were required to be at the airport 3 hours early. I forgot to take the Ativan on time, so I had to make due with only one dose…. Not the best idea I had!! I ended up rocking a bit and holding my breath at times…. The rest of the day was spent in a daze…. I went to bed at 8 pm and was awoken at 10 by a phone call from my Mom. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out where I was or what was going on…. I’m assuming this was from exhaustion! I fell back to sleep instantly when I got off the phone….

Now you see why I didn’t want to come home???

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Damn I wish I could have stayed in Mexico....

Sunday, May 14, 2006

3 am wake up call

I have to be up at 3 am this morning to be ready to be picked up at 3:30 for my plane that will leave at 7. As you can see, I"m only going to get 3 hours of sleep, that is, if I go to bed right now. Unlikely as I am trying to load my MP3 player with music....

Anyway, thought I would let you all know why I won't be around for the next 5 days....

Check back Friday, that's when I'll return!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

by the way, if you haven't already, check out one of my favorite songs.... puscifer, the undertaker. FUCK YOU for trying to fuck with my head. FUCK!

fuck i'm fucking drunk

So, I started my vacation early, so fucking what!!!! I went to hear my band play all by myself. And guess what.... I'm not a fucking pussy! I went in, ordered a jack and coke and fucking stayed for 3 fucking fucky fuck hours! And, And, and the fucking hot ass bass player's best friend talked to me.... yeah, she was too busy doing sound for the other bands, so I didn't get to talk to her...... so fucking what.... The point is, I still went!!! Maybe something will come of it, maybe not, but at least I can say that I was out there!!!

Fuck!!! FUCK! FUCK!!! She's a fucking hottie!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

note to self 1

While on a mission to retrieve necessities for your upcoming trip, DO NOT walk through the cologne department and spray the cologne an ex wears on your hand. This will only drive you crazy and make you want to go home and masturbate for the rest of the afternoon.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fuck yeah!!

Today was my last day of work until 5/22..... I was so excited today I was acting the fool!

I'm so excited about going on vacation... I was telling my friend Chadman that I wanted to find a hottie to lay on the beach and drink with..... Maybe I won't come back!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

old country music

Isn't it funny how you can remember the words to songs you haven't heard in years??? Tonight as I was driving home, I took a detour from my regular Squizz listening to pop on over to the older country music station. While there, I heard Bargain Store by Dolly Parton, Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight by The Oak Ridge Boys, and Loving Blind by Clint Black. I was amazed that I could sing every word. I guess I wasn't as surprised by the Clink Black song as I was by the other two.

Listening to old Dolly songs made me remember hearing them riding in the front seat (on the hump/armrest) of our 1976 Caprice. I used to sign Dolly at the top of my lungs while we were driving out to my Grandma's house in the country. I so wanted to be Dolly!!

The Oak Ridge Boys reminded me of being outside on hot summer nights. My Uncle loves them and we would have the garage radio turned on and up as loud as it would go.

And the Clint Black song reminds me of high school. I really kind of hate that I know the words to that song because it reminds me of a time when I felt alone.... I remember listening to that tape over and over again. High school fucking sucked!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

some bumper stickers I saw today

Out of the Gene Pool.

Who pissed in your Gene Pool?

Yep, I've felt like that before....

vacation update

6 days left before I take my 2 1/2 hour flight and 1 hour chicken bus ride to paradise!!!

I finally found a swim suit. I'll be sporting all black this year!

I still have tons of things to round up between now and Monday....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I shared some song lyrics I like. These are a few I listened to today.... (****Warning, there are some bad words in these songs****)

Para Noir - Marilyn Manson

Change - Deftones

The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars

I Dare You - Shinedown

the phone

I received one of those dreaded phone calls this afternoon at work.... Normally, the sound of my Aunt P's voice would not send chills through my body, however, when she calles me in the middle of the day at work, I know it is nothing good. My Mom was taken in for emergency surgery this evening. Apparently she woke up at 2 am this morning with issues caused by her ulcerated colon. (Yes, everyone I know has some kind of poop problem!) The surgery this evening was to stop some internal bleeding. I talked to my Dad about 1/2 hour ago and she has come out of surgery and her doctor is very happy with the way everything went.

Monday, May 01, 2006

oh yeah, I also went to see my friend the psychic

Yeah, I went last Thursday to see my friend who is a psychic....

Yes, I had my doubts that she was for real, but when she pointed out a few things about me (like the fact that my tooth is still causing me a bit of pain even though I've been back to the dentist 2 times and the pain in my knee/leg) but she also told me about the exact finger my Mom has arthritis in and the fact that my Dad had a spot on his lung. So when she told me the rest of the stuff ( new opportunities at work, friendships and love life) I believed it a bit more.

I have a better outlook on life.....

So here is the update from last week....

I got to take my brace off. After limping around for a day, I have returned to my normal gate. The only issue I’m having now is that it is extremely sensitive. It hurts when my jeans touch it…. I’ve bumped it numerous times and every time I want to wet myself. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not, so I will choose to not contact the doctor at this point. It’s been almost 3 weeks, so you would think it would be fine….. anyway, that’s the story with it.

Friday I was the book bitch at the softball game. I almost got to play, but luckily some of the veterans showed up. Oh yeah, and I got pulled over by a Park Ranger when I was driving there because I “rolled” through a stop sign….. Luckily I am very apologetic so I didn’t get a ticket….

Saturday I picked up my truck!! Yeah!!! It is kind of nice to have it back. Now I don’t have to worry about breaking down on the side of the road. It was very nice of Smash to lend me her MoonChicken for the week, but that thing is a beater!! Around 40 mph it goes into convulsions until you reach 45 mph. After picking up my truck, I felt guilty about not getting ready to go to the March of Dimes walk because the rain stopped. I hauled ass home to change and hauled ass to the park for the walk. When I showed up, everyone had already started and it was raining….. I kept walking faster thinking I could catch up with someone I knew. Alas, I did not. At least I can said that I did it, it spite of the rain. I then returned home to work on my table. It is very hard to put together since there are no instructions and none of the holes line up. I’m going to have to make some adjustments….. Then it was out to dinner with Smash…. We were supposed to have a big night out, but plans got changed.

Sunday I spent most of the day doing nothing….. That’s right, nothing….. well, I cleaned up a bit and cooked dinner, but other than that, I was planted on the couch and watched stupid movies (Saving Silverman and The Sky King and the World of Tomorrow).