shug's place

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO what a ride! -- Source unknown

Location: Illinois, United States

What's there to say....

Friday, September 23, 2005

more music stuff...

I recently acquired the following CDs....

Garbage Bleed Like Me
It is wonderful! Check out traks 5 and 11

Green Day American Idiot
I can actually listen to every song.... I must say that American Idiot is my pick from this one.... Letterbomb comes in 2nd.

Lazy me...

Ok, if everyone hasn't figured out by now I'm a lazy ass. Yes, it is true! I don't usually admit that, however as you can tell I have not been keeping up with my blogging.... I have not excuse. Normally in an email to someone I haven't written to in a long time I would say that I've been really busy at work (which is actually true this week). Or that I have no desire to look at a computer when I come home. Actually the truth is I like to avoid things sometimes.... And of course, over the last couple of weeks I've felt like I haven't had anything interesting to say so why say anything at all?

I'm not going to promise to be better, because the cold hard truth is I'm not. All I can say is that I will try to find more interesting things in life and share my opinions on them.... Oh and I guess I could always update you on my wonderful life.... Let me think about some more interesting topics and I will TRY to be better at this whole daily blogging thing.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What's in a Reaction?

I've been debating for the week on if I should post anything in regards to the hurricane. I decided that a lot of the things that I have been thinking could in ways be thought of as standing up for our President so I had decided not to post.... That was until I heard 2 view points expressed on NPR this moring while I was driving to work. I've been trying to think since this moring exactly how to put this into words. I guess I should first talk about the broadcast I heard. Basically the first was written by a Journalism professor in regards to how we have hidden our destitute away and it is not until now that we realize they were most impacted by the events of last week. The other, was by a someone I cannot recall right now and it was basically about how we've done the best we could do to get help into those areas hardest hit by the storm.

Here is my whole reaction to our reaction. Why the hell did we wait until after the hurricane to go in and help these people? This was a catagory 3/4 storm that hit a large portion of our Gulf Coast. Why were we not doing more to alert these people that they were in grave danger? Yes, we were broadcasting on TV and the radio, but couldn't we have done more?? It is not like this was a tornado that appeared out of no where.

Most of the people who stayed behind either did not know how much danger they were in or they did not have the transportation or the funds to get the hell out of there! How can a country who can deploy thousands upon thousands of troops to war in a foreign country not be able to get their poor and destitue out of the path of such destruction? Where were the logistically people that are supposed to be running our country? Where is the terror alert system people who can tell us terroists are coming??? What was everyone thinking, "ooohh, lets see how many people die and how much gets destroyed before we take action." Didn't anyone learn from their sex ed class (this is the only class I could think of that most men would pay attention in {sorry guys but you know it's true!}) that being prepared was the best way to prevent?

Please see Aunt B. for more information on why Mr. Bush was not the best choice to lead our country.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor day weekend

Ok, it was Labor day weekend, correct? I always get confused with Memorial day and Labor day... Don't ask me why, I just do. Maybe it is because since forever the only reason I have been concerned is because it is a 3 day weekend. You can see where my priorities are, can't you!! I had an ok weekend... I did the traditional thing and went to my parents. The following are the wonderous events....

I got to my parents and surveyed the situation. Basically, this means that I looked to see what "little" projects I could do there that would be finished in a weekend. I came up with making a small patio for their grill, fixing the surround sound and the cable to the TV. Yes, it makes me crazy to be at my parents so I have to find things to fix to keep me busy. That evening we went to my nephew's football game. Mind you, he is in 6th grade so it was a bit strange. The coach stands on the field with the players because they are not expected to remember the plays. This is only the second year he has been playing so you could tell at times he was a bit confused. He did a good job.

I drug my brother to buy supplies to build said patio. I ended up buying 6 2ft square patio blocks instead of bag concrete. The blocks were 90 lbs each so we both had to lift them to get them into the truck. With the help of my brother, I smashed every finger on my right hand! Soon I will have to have it cut off as it is the most abused part of my body. I also fixed the surround sounds and scolded my father for "pushing buttons" as this is something I'm constantly fixing. And the cable got screwed back tightly so there will be no more snowy channels. I then went with my cousin and her son shopping. Please people, if you have a 2 year old who normally takes a nap at the time you dumb ass family comes over, tell them you can't go shopping. He was as good as can be expected for a little boy who fell asleep in the car and got woken you by two idiots trying to drag him through stores. He reached his limit within an hour and we were heading back home. He's the sweetest thing on earth and we should be punished for trying to drag him around!

I spent most of the day with my buddies Wesley, Zoe and McKenna (Elliot was at home sleeping). They make me smile, that's all I know!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Bumper Sticker Road Rage

Have you ever been driving down the road and coming up to a busy intersection and nicely slow down to let someone out in front of you? Yes, this is a nice gesture and I find myself doing it often. Recently I've had the misfortune of letting ignorant people out in front of me! Being the nice person I am, I slow down and wave the person out in front of me and then "BAM" there it is in my face, a dumb ass bumper sticker. There are several of these that piss me off the 2 most offensive of which are man + woman = marriage and "Guns don't kill people, Abortion kills people." I get very angry when I have gone out of my way to be nice to someone and they have that kind of shit on the back of their car. Please let me live my naive life thinking that everyone is accepting and understanding of others! I mean I really feel like speeding up and ramming the shit out of their car to see how many times of rear ending them it will take for that sticker to come flying off!