shug's place

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO what a ride! -- Source unknown

Location: Illinois, United States

What's there to say....

Monday, October 30, 2006

table update

I'm obsessed with my table... I've been working on it all weekend. I'm pretty sure that the fumes from the polyurethane and the stripper have gotten to me! I spent hours on the computer Saturday night trying to find pieces of stone for the mosaic that will be the top of the table.... I'm sure it will be cool when it's done...

Oh yeah, and tomorrow is Halloween for all of you who have been living under a rock.... I spent $13.00 at WalMart tonight on candy... half of which is gone now because I had trick or treaters tonight.

The cool thing about Halloween is I've been able to Tivo a bunch of history crap about vampires and zombies, so I'm excited.... I've also been laughing my ass off that the Most Haunted show... those people are stupid.... I swear the freakiest thing on their is their eyes when they have that night vision crap on....

If I'm not bothered too much by trick or treaters tomorrow, maybe I'll have enough time to tell you all my ghost stories.....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

things that keep me busy...

Here are a couple pictures of the infamous table project.... The initial thought was that I it would be less expensive to make my own table, however it is just the opposite! Oh well, at least I got to spend time with Uncle Beaker and I can say that I have a one of a kind table. And bonus is that the chairs were free (they belonged to my great grandma).... just have to strip and refinish them.

Please ignore the pile of laundry in the background!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

another weekend update

Ok, so I've been doing a few other things besides hanging out on the computer. I'm sure you have all missed me so very much!

First things first, MY BEARS WON!!!! So only bearly (HAHAH), but they still won which is the only thing that matters!

Saturday I helped Smash build a fence in her backyard. Ok, so really, she helped me. I only had to dig 5 post holes, lucky me. The rest was just a matter of cutting and screwing boards together. At one point I was straddling a bush to put up the planks. Smash's boyfriend had to make a joke about the bush being up my ass. Funny stuff!

Sunday was my parent's anniversary. 40 years... crazy! Although I went up there to spend time with them, I ended up spending more time with my uncle Beaker. Beaker's hobby is woodworking. I've had my table legs sitting around for months, so last weekend I asked him to help me fix them. We spent hours together sawing, drilling and gluing. We also had a really good talk and listened to a bunch of good music. From our time together, I ended up seeing a lot of him in me. Probably because when I was little he babysat my brother and I a lot. We did take a dinner break so that I could have dinner with my parents and aunts and uncles.

Yesterday I took off work to buy a car. It was rainy and freezing out, so I instead stayed at home and worked on my table. I ended up staining it (and getting high on fumes by doing so). I finally had to open the windows and the door so I didn't pass out. I'm not very happy with the color (kind of pinkish). I'll have to post a picture of it when I'm all finished.

So, that was my weekend wrap up.... Of course I thought of all these good things to post about when I got home, but they must have disappeared because of the fumes.... I'll try hard to remember them later.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weekend update

Ok yes, I do realize it is Tuesday night, but my weekend only ended last night. Working for a bank sometimes has it plus side!

Saturday I woke up late (9:30 am is late for me) and ate breakfast. Before I could even get my shower, my Mom was calling to see when I was leaving. They had gotten a call from my Uncle Weeny saying that he was stopping by for the night. He, Aunt G and Uncle Bross had been to a farmer's march thing in DC (gotta love it when the 70 year olds are out marching in DC for bio-fuel!!) and were on their way back to Oklahoma. I jumped in the shower and drove up to exit 82 because I love to see Weeny and G. When I got there, my Dad was just putting in his apple kuken (which I had to say over and over because it's a funny word). My brother, Bomber, and I took off for the store to buy groceries for dinner that night. I was also dog sitting this weekend, so I had to go check in on the dogs (chocolate lab and golden retriever) every couple of hours to make sure they hadn't torn up anything. Dinner was great, and the visit was fun. Some of my other aunts and uncles showed up and I spent the rest of the night talking with one of my aunts about her kids, learning to play guitar and shopping in Chicago. The it was off to spend the night with the dogs. Before I left, W decided (provoked by his grandma and his dad) that he needed to come spend the night with me and the dogs. I gave in, and we ended up staying up until 11:30 watching Robot Chicken and Futurama. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have let him watch it, but oh well. We then went to bed and fell asleep watching some skeleton thing on the Discovery channel. At about 1:30 am, the dogs jumped up and ran to the door barking like crazy. I of course run to the door like an idiot (like I'm going to do something). There was nothing there.... 20 minutes later, same thing.... nothing there.... Finally they laid down and went to sleep. I however could not, as W snores and coughs in his sleep (if you will remember, he is the one who likes to vomit when spending the night with me). Finally at 7:30, after maybe an hour or two of sleep, I got up and let the dogs out. W stayed in bed until about 8:00.

Most of Sunday was spent playing with the dogs, watching the Bears game (Go Bears!!! The score was 40-7 which make them 5-0 baby!!!!!) We had another big dinner with the hippie farmers and then I drove home. I did however get to talk to my Uncle Beaker, who as agreed to help my with my table situation (I'm having issues getting the legs to line up.).

Monday I went to the doctor for this 2 week old headache. She thinks it is a migraine and gave me some samples to take. I came home, took one and immediately had to take a nap. I was out for the rest of the day.

So there is my exciting weekend update! Oh yeah, I almost forgot... This weekend marked the 1st anniversary of me living alone! Pretty sad when you are 31 and the last year is the first time you've lived alone!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

fix it...

So, you think that after playing a round of ghetto tennis (that’s when you haven’t played for a long time and you hit the ball all crazy so most of the time you are running your ass off around the court) and speed walking 3 miles, that I would finally be tired and ready to sleep. Ah… that’s so not the case! I’ve been wired all day. And no, it’s not from caffeine, I’ve only had 1 Dew today! It sucks, but it may make for a good post… we will see.

I think this kind of goes along with the last post about my oddities. See when Smashers and I were speed walking tonight, we were having a little heart to heart. I of course revealed things about myself that I’m sure she would probably rather not hear. However, the conversation worked its way to me and my need to fix all things (I’m not sure if this is a bad thing, as much as I know it is a frustrating thing).

At work, I’m constantly helping people fix issues with email or finding documents or jacking with printers. Most of the time, I can fix things, however the times I can’t, it makes me a little crazy and I have to just walk away. Sometimes, I find out how to fix it so I will know the next time it happens. Other times, I just forget about it and it doesn’t bother me.

At home, I can fix a lot of things (well not so much at my home because I rent and things get fixed for me!). When friends need things done and they don’t really want to pay someone to do them, they ask me. I do things around my parent’s house all the time. I’ve learned how to do a lot of things the average person would know how to do.

The point where this “fix it” issue becomes very annoying is with relationships. I’m not sure if this stems from my parents or not. You know, it takes a lot to be married to the same person for 40 years. There is a lot of “fixing” things in 40 years. I’ve seen it! So, when it comes to relationships that I can’t “fix”, or am not given a chance to “fix” it weighs heavy on my mind. That’s the part that makes me crazy… I for some reason can’t just let go. I want to. I want so much to act like it doesn’t bother me, but it does. I don’t even really think that time takes care of it as I still have a lot of unresolved feelings for people from my past.

Never would have thought that being a “fix it” person would be a bad thing, did you?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Realizing your oddities

There is no other way to put it.... I definitely have my little oddities.

One oddity most people who know me know is how clothes feel. If something feels "wrong" (is a little tight here or there, is too droopy, is scratchy...) I have a little breakdown. Especially my socks... yep that's right, socks. They have to fit just right and lay just right or I have to change them. Strange, I know but true. I've been buying my socks at Target, but the other day while I was there I discovered they no longer carry them! I will now have to search for a new place to buy them.

Another oddity is only buying certain ice. Yes, it's all in the shape and texture. I have a fondness for the crushed ice at QT and the cubed ice from the local liquor store. Yes, I'm sure it looks very strange when I leave the liquor store with only a bag of ice, but I don't care! I used to like the ice they had at work, but when out department grew, they got a new machine and it's not the same.

I'm sure there are more oddities that I have, but I can't think of them right now....

Monday, October 02, 2006

topics of interest....

Oh yeah and there were a few things discussed on Saturday night before all the drinking.

1. Gene Simmons from KISS is NOT dead. It is another pseudo famous Gene Simmons who died.

2. Dustin Diamond made a sex tape and it is out??? WTF???? Rumor is that is was a threesome and that one of the women lets him poop on her face.... AND that this is something that a small group of his friends do for fun (recording their sexcapades and sharing them with each other for viewing and grading). Let me just say, that there may be a point that someone I'm friends with may see me having sex (I know some have already heard me! and seen me), but I will NEVER record it and let you grade me!

3. Smash's boyfriend looks a lot like Tom Hanks, but Ty pointed out that he has a bit of a resemblance to Will Ferrell.... hmmm..... maybe a little.....

Saturday night craziness.... and lazy Sunday

I spent Saturday night out with a few friends at a local block party. There are several bars within a few blocks of each other and the streets are shut down so everyone can party. There were a couple stages set up for some blues bands and most of the bars were rocking as well. Needless to say, I got a bit tipsy. However, I was less intoxicated than anyone else with me (well, maybe except for Ricky Bobby). You know you've had a crazy night when you end up dancing in between a short, bald man wearing some crazy brown polyester pants and a polo shirt that is so worn you can almost see through it and the woman who cuts your hair.

Sunday I went for my visit to exit 82. I got to hang out with my boys (El and Grif) and my aunts. I also had a good visit with the parents and ended up making a butt load of lasagna with my dad. We made two 2 foot by 1 foot pans, one veggie (yep, that's the one I made) and the other traditional. Then I watched most of the Bears game with my Dad and brother. I had to leave before the end of the 3rd quarter, so I didn't get to see the actual win, but I had the biggest smile on my face when I got home and saw the score! Go Bears!!!